Tag: General

  • Video Game Comics

    There are some video game related comics out there. My personal favorite (and I think most others) would have to be Penny Arcade. PA has been around for a few years and has built up quite a following. They even have started one of the biggest and best gaming expos in the country. And most…

  • New Forum Launched Today!

    Just added today, the new mrkniceguy.com online forum! Feel free to register and start discussing topics on your mind. The forum is not limited to video games per say, so post about something you’d like to talk about. mrkniceguy.com/forum (Also note, the Philosophy of War sub-page has been eliminated. The new forum replaces some of…

  • Twitter Fun

    I starting using Twitter shortly after the Unlock the Achievement contest and have had a lot of fun writing updates from the web. Yesterday I set my account up to accept updates via text message from my phone! Pretty sweet set up. Check the widget in the lower right for constant updates on what I…