Author: mrkniceguy

  • Sony’s Blunders

    Announced today on is Sony’s latest bad news…. no launch for PS3 in Europe, the Middle East and Africa until at least March 2007. Not only that but they are going to have to pay nearly us$1000 for the Blue-Ray ready console. Reason for the delay? Not enough Blue-Ray drives for the devices. Meanwhile,…

  • Doom Demo on Live Arcade

    I played the new demo the classic PC game, DOOM last night. I must say, it is an excellent port to HD and has a great new look. Not to mention back when I was playing this game all we had was dial-up and so I never got to use the multi player function. For…

  • Sierra Goes LIVE!

    M$ announced today the release of two Siearra games on the Live Arcade Service. This is great news for classic PC games fans like myself. We’ll see what other games from Sierra come out for Live Arcade down the road! Whoo hoo!