Category: Music

  • Guitar Hero World Tour & TooL

    Breaking news regarding track listings for upcoming Activision title, Guitar Hero World Tour.

    X3F has news regarding 3 Tool songs in GHWT. 2 tracks from Lataralus (Parabola and Schism) and 1 from 10,000 Days (Vicarious). Being a pretty big tool fan ( this is huge news. Tool is also slated to help design a venue in the game in the classic Tool style. That’s going to be sweet!

    I wasn’t planning on picking this game up but I now have no choice in the matter.

    Oh, and there is some Sting stuff too.

    (via X3F)

  • Fraggin’ music

    I love the Xbox 360 simply for the fact that I can listen to the music I love, while playing the games I love. I’m always looking for good fragging music to listen to while playing Halo 3 or Gears of War. Usually lots of metal is in order as it gets the blood and adrenalin pumping. Anything with double bass is good. 🙂

    One of my favorite new bands is Bullet for My Valentine. A metal band from Bridgend, South Wales they rock some mean heavy guitars. Their latest album is called Scream, Aim, Fire released through Sony BMG (ew) and rocks a mean title track.

    Next time you’re up for a round, try listing to the music you love. Music makes you play better.