Tag: Forum

  • Making it better

    Being a computer geek I can never stop tweaking my machines/gadgets/websites, and mrkniceguy.com is no exception.

    New today is the Forum link on the main page. Now you can jump right into the discussion (if you’ve signed up that is) and post away. Even better, now you can link back to the main page from the forum! Simple things that make me happy. I hope they make you happy too. 😀

    Hit the jump for images.


  • New Forum Launched Today!

    Just added today, the new mrkniceguy.com online forum! Feel free to register and start discussing topics on your mind. The forum is not limited to video games per say, so post about something you’d like to talk about.


    (Also note, the Philosophy of War sub-page has been eliminated. The new forum replaces some of that sites features, as well as expands the usage of this site.)


    forum screen