Tag: Halo

  • The Church and Halo – Evangelism or Killing Simulator?

    An article printed in the Sunday New York Times written by Matt Richtel approaches the the hot topic of Halo fever with a religious twist, is it morally right to use Halo video games as a tool to draw young people in to church? Furthermore, should the church advocate the playing of such a violent…

  • Doom Demo on Live Arcade

    I played the new demo the classic PC game, DOOM last night. I must say, it is an excellent port to HD and has a great new look. Not to mention back when I was playing this game all we had was dial-up and so I never got to use the multi player function. For…

  • Jackson does it again

    News regarding Peter Jackson hit today with talk of a new Halo release called “Halo Wars” and an title from his production company, Wingnut Interactive game studio. If you don’t know, Peter is producing the upcoming Halo movie and is well know from the horror genre as well as one of the greatest films of…