Tag: Sony

  • E3: Sony Advertises Televisions

    Using approximately one billion Sony TVs for their E3 keynote speech, Sony reminded everyone how they really make their money and why they paid out billions to win the Hi-Def war. But in gaming news…

    Several PS3 games will now be upped to “classic” status, with the price lowered to $29.99: Resistance, Fall of Man; Motorstorm; Warhawk; Call of Duty 3; Assassin’s Creed; Oblivion; and others. In addition, they plan to release the new Ratchet and Clank add-on at a $15 price point, calling it a “new concept – it’s a shorter game at a lower price.” (Hmmm… surprisingly this concept doesn’t sound quite so “new” to this 360 DLC user).

    Sony continued to push their PS2, releasing a new bundle with Lego Batman and Justice League: New Frontiers for $149. Over 130 titles are being released on PS2 in 2008. In response to the limited number of PS3 releases, Jack Tretton of Sony takes out of a can of whoop ass and says, “We’re not interested in filling up our stores with titles no one wants to play just so we can say we have the most” (translation: I cried myself to sleep after I learned we lost the Final Fantasy exclusive. But I’ll act like I don’t care).

    Sony also has a new TV & movie download service that launches tonight with entertainment partners such as – surprise! – Sony Pictures, Warner Bros, Fox, Disney & Lionsgate. Rental prices start at $1.99, with movie purchases at $15. Media can be shared across a PS3 and PSP, so you can download a movie and watch it on your PSP.

    A new PSP bundle will be available starting in October, with a silver PSP, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, 1GB memory stick, National Treasure 2, and an Echochrome voucher for $199 (I may need to get this for mrkniceguy for Christmas).

    The word on Playstation Home is… be patient. Sony assures the public that the wait will be worth it. Again. And then showed off more pictures of how cool it will be. Maybe at next year’s E3, they’ll have an actual launch date.

    Sony did pull out a new SKU – an 80GB unit to replace the 40GB for $399 starting in September. Considering a 60 GB 360 will be available in August for $349, it’s a competitive pricing move for Sony. With some pretty-looking titles like God of War 3 and Infamous coming out in 2009, it looks like Sony might be better situated come this time next year.

    The big announcement for the day came in the form of an in-development title called MAG-Massive Action Game, which includes the possibility of 256-player online battles (in teams of 8). The game is currently in development – no release date set.

    So, my 360 fangirl-ism aside, who do you think made out the best this round? Both Microsoft and Sony announced streaming and downloadable entertainment content. Microsoft is partnering with Netflix and its huge database of movies, but you have to have a Netflix subscription to watch. Sony is partnering with some of the studios, but you have to pay per rental or purchase. However, Sony will let you transfer the media to a portable device. They both sound like pretty interesting deals.

    Me? I don’t buy a gaming console to watch movies. 😉

  • No Way! (Wait, why am I surprised?)

    We’ll call it the Sony Switcharoo. Last week Sony was on top of the world with a $100 price drop on the PS3. The world erupted with applause. Where the system has failed thus far has been without a doubt, the price point. Sales spiked, people finally had a chance to play the crappy games lineup, the world was at peace. But wait, whats this?

    Today Sony announced they are pulling their $499 60 Gig model at the end of July and selling their new 80 Gig model for… $599?!

    Who is in charge here! This is probably the dumbest move I’ve ever seen on a console launch. I’ll admit though, much like the Wii, I am healthier from all the laughing going on…

  • I think I’m going to Cry.

    As time goes on Sony’s grasp on exclusive titles seems to keep slipping. Announced just yesterday on Kotaku is Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4 is also coming to Xbox 360 and PC. While this is good news for all console owners it remains to be seen how this will affect Sony’s ability to sell their already “hard to sell” console. Also announced rumored today for the Xbox 360 are Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, Ace Combat 6 and Beautiful Katamari. All of these Namco games and all former exclusives. Can I get a “woo-hoo!”?