Tag: Sony

  • PS3 Launch Day!

    And surrounded by bad news… no count yet of how many consoles Sony actually released. Some of them were empty though. My favorite news is Sony explaining the new adz. And not without incident either! I hope everyone else made it home ok to play their new consoles…….. or sell them!?! Hope that console is worth the $5,000 people are paying for them…

  • 100% just isn’t 100% anymore…

    When Sony was announcing the backwards compatibility of their console they mentioned they put the PS2 processor in “to insure 100% backwards compatibility.” When asked why there were problems with some games and their BC they said “from the start, expected backwards compatibility to be less than 100%.” What’s even better is their comment on the issue regarding no sound on old games for the systems and said ” some people can put up with playing games that lack sound.”

    I for one can do without sound (or video for that matter)… as long as I’m not paying $600 for playing games without sound or video.

    Again, Xbox 360 does NOT support all Xbox 1.0 games, but they never claimed 100% BC. They are working on adding more games all the time, based on which games people actually play. Besides, I still have my original Xbox so I can play whatever I want, when I want. I can do the same with your PS2.. as long as you didn’t trade it in on a pre-order! }:)

  • This guy knows what’s up.

    Red Herring has an interview with Atari founder Nolan Bushnell. I’ll quote the best part here but be sure to read the whole article!

    Q: What about Sony’s PlayStation 3 Strategy?

    A: I think Sony shot themselves in the foot… there is a high probability [they] will fail. The price point is probably unsustainable. For years and years Sony has been a very difficult company to deal with from a developer standpoint. They could get away with their arrogance and capriciousness because they had an installed base. They have also historically had horrible software tools. You compare that to the Xbox 360 with really great authoring tools [and] additional revenue streams from Xbox live… a first party developer would be an idiot to develop for Sony first and not the 360. People don’t buy hardware, they buy software.

    Q: But what about Sony’s success with the PlayStation and PS2? They sold more than 100 million of each system.

    A: It wasn’t anything brilliant that they did. With the PS and PS2 it was timing. They had the right pricing at the right time [and were] almost the accidental winner. It would not surprise me if a year from now they’ll be struggling to sell 1 million units. [Factoring in the PS3’s price], I think in the U.S. the number of early adopters you have is actually around 300,000.