Tag: Xbox

  • Steam Goes With Sharing

    Digital is the future! At least, that’s been the mantra around here for a while. But sometimes digital has drawbacks that physical media users have enjoyed for years. For example, loaning a game to a friend.

    Wouldn’t it be great to be able to loan a game digitally? This question has been on my mind since the reversal of the Family Sharing plan on the Xbox One. There were rumors at the time that Steam would go this way as well. And today, they announced that sharing is caring.

    Steam Family Sharing, a new service feature that allows close friends and family members to share their libraries of Steam games, is coming to Steam, a leading platform for the delivery and management of PC, Mac, and Linux games and software. The feature will become available next week, in limited beta on Steam.

    Steam Family Sharing is designed for close friends and family members to play one another’s Steam games while each earning their own Steam achievements and storing their own saves and application data to the Steam cloud. It’s all enabled by authorizing a shared computer.

    While I’m bummed that this sort of feature was killed by consumers on the Xbox One, I’m excited to see how it plays out on Steam.

    Read more at the official Steam Blog: http://store.steampowered.com/news/11436/

  • I saw it…

    the abomination. I thought were headed in the right direction. We had made leaps and bounds on the design between Xbox and Xbox 360. My Three-Sixty is downright sexy. And Nintendo made a console looking GameCube, truly a sight too behold. But I was walking through Wal-Mart when I spotted a PlayStation 3 in the display case. My first thought was “there it is,” and then “how could you miss it!” It’s huge! Of course, there’s a PS2 in there also but sheesh!!! I can’t believe that thing. It looks like there should be a Wii and a 360 in there too. I am appalled. Video game consoles should look sexy, not like if they fell on your head you would be killed instantly. Which brings me to my next point… USE THE CONSOLE NEAR THE FLOOR. We have enough injuries stemming from this launch.. we don’t need any more.

  • 100% just isn’t 100% anymore…

    When Sony was announcing the backwards compatibility of their console they mentioned they put the PS2 processor in “to insure 100% backwards compatibility.” When asked why there were problems with some games and their BC they said “from the start, expected backwards compatibility to be less than 100%.” What’s even better is their comment on the issue regarding no sound on old games for the systems and said ” some people can put up with playing games that lack sound.”

    I for one can do without sound (or video for that matter)… as long as I’m not paying $600 for playing games without sound or video.

    Again, Xbox 360 does NOT support all Xbox 1.0 games, but they never claimed 100% BC. They are working on adding more games all the time, based on which games people actually play. Besides, I still have my original Xbox so I can play whatever I want, when I want. I can do the same with your PS2.. as long as you didn’t trade it in on a pre-order! }:)