I can’t believe what I’m reading. More and more news reports of robbings, shootings, theft, and violence… We all know that playing games does not increase violent behavior, but greed sure does! And the people who are buyng these crappy systems are going to sell on eBay for $5k. I just want Sony to know… YOU CREATED THIS MAYHEM!!!
Updated 3pm – Reports pour in of more violance surrounding the console. Sony is NOT working with gamers on the ol’ violence and video games issue here!!!! }:-(
6 responses to “Sony’s trying to get us all (or at least their fans) killed!”
People have waited so long to buy this. I can’t find a reason why I should
Josh Chandler
That’s a very good question. For a system that costs $600 (if you can get one for that) why would you when it needs to be updated the very first time you turn it on? I think I’ll stick with my awesome Xbox 360 and maybe think about picking up a Wii down the road.. but I don’t think Sony will ever convince me of why I should get a PS3. They advertising is doing just the opposite…
Well, the updating isn’t that bad. I’m just surprised at the lack of games available and most PS3 titles that have also been released on the 360 scored around 0.5 less than the 360 version.
Sony need to get their act together.
Yeah, but an update on launch day? That just shows how much Sony is rushing to get this thing out. It will be 3 or 4 months before we can tell if the system is everything they say it is.
Well, if you really want to debate the update on Launch day, what about all these 360 games that have an Update on the day they’re released?
I agree it’s not the ideal situation, but it doesn’t mean the console or the games are bad. 😉
The update doesn’t have anything to do with games. These updates are for the “dashboard” or whatever they call it on a PS3.
I’m not disagreeing with you, we’re on the same page here.. but the comparison doesn’t apply. Games are made by games developers, not the console manufacture ( in most cases) so and update is a great feature when some games can’t be fully tested in the real world. In most cases the updates are big improvements on things they couldn’t have known from beta testing.. it’s just real world application like online multi-player support. And regardless, games are $50-60, not $600.
What Sony is doing is trying to create press for their new console.. and bad press is better than no press at all. I just think it’s really sloppy to release $600 hardware that needs to be updated when you take it out of the box. 😉
BTW, I didn’t say the console was bad. I just think Sony is NOT making me want to buy one of these… 😀
P.S. I don’t hate Sony, I wish them the best! But they sure are making it easy to point out their flaws.