Tag: PS3

  • L.A. Noire Review

    It’s rough business, but someone has got to do it. I’m talking about L.A. Noire, the mysterious new title from Rockstar Games, developed by Team Bandi. And let me tell you, they’ve done a bang-up job. Dropped right into the thick of policework in post-world-war-II Los Angeles, rookie officer Cole Phelps has just come home from…

  • Portal 2 Rocks

    Follow-up post to the Portal 2 pre-release post is that, well, PORTAL 2 ARRIVED! [singlepic id=60 w=320 h=240 float=] It’s well worth playing and I can’t recommend it enough. The story is awesome, it’s…. well, it’s Portal! I’ve already played through the story twice and the co-op mode is really fun with a friend. Pick…

  • Portal 2 Pre-Order Excitement

    In our house, Portal is king. The seemingly un-noticeable add-on to Valve’s Orange Box was dwarfed by the Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress content. But it didn’t take long for folks to take note of this little gem. The puzzles were amazing, the game-play endearing, and the companion cube is unforgeable (or as my son…