You too can win great prizes! (maybe)

With the sudden reward I received yesterday I thought I would share some tips to increase your chances of winning in the future. The best place to start would be here. I will try and post new contest details on a regular basis. And if you find I’ve missed one, send an email to (above username – not this text!) or drop me a comment.

The best place to start looking is the gaming blogs. Places like, and are great resources for info on drawings as well as skill contests. I recommend setting them up in an RSS reader like Google Reader or (my personal favorite) so you can check them all at once.

Second, keep your eyes peeled at places like There is a Play & Win section rewarding you for playing games as well as occasional promotions. Most of the blogs above link to promos when they come out so you really only need to keep an eye on the current Play & Win offers. Meulfire and I won a while back for playing Dead or Alive 4!

Lastly, enter, enter, enter. You can’t win if you don’t enter. Of course, play it smart with your email address. The more junk contests you enter, the more junk email you can expect. I use gmail which is great for entering contests. Each time I enter a new contest I use the + function to make it it’s own email address. For example, gmail lets me create a distict email address like this: It’s great! More on the gmail feature here.

There you go! Now, go win some contests!!! Good luck. 😉


2 responses to “You too can win great prizes! (maybe)”

  1. MrsKniceGuy Avatar

    Knice. Don’t forget about the new Xbox Summer of Arcade promo too – all you have to do is download and play either the trial or the full game of each of the new arcade games coming out for the next 5 weeks. Play the trial of Geometry Wars 2 today, and you’re automatically entered!

  2. mrkniceguy Avatar

    Thank you MrsKniceGuy! I overlooked the Summer of Arcade! And if you haven’t played GeoWars2 yet, you should! DL it now!