Xbox 360 Price Drop Sept. 5th – Deals

Rumors flew, speculations abounded and now it’s all become a reality.

Microsoft announced last Wednesday an official price drop on the Xbox 360 consoles in the United States. If you don’t have an Xbox 360, now is the time to get one. With the new dashboard enabling Netflix Watch Now, Avatars, party mode with up to 8 people and a killer line up of games, how could you not!

Arcade – $199
Pro – $299
Elite – $399

Circuit City has the best deal right now with 1600 MS points free with the purchase of a new Xbox 360.

60GB Pro Deal

What are you waiting for! You need another Xbox 360 in your kitchen anyway!


2 responses to “Xbox 360 Price Drop Sept. 5th – Deals”

  1. MrsKniceGuy Avatar

    Yeah, every family needs an xbox in the kitchen – then your girl can game without getting in trouble (for being out of the kitchen, I mean). What, are you racist?


  2. mrkniceguy Avatar

    Oh, good. You got the hint… X-D