Category: Xbox 360

  • Day One Patches and Next-Gen Consoles

    Day One Patches and Next-Gen Consoles

    Next-Gen Consoles Future is a Wired (or Wireless) One I just wanted to mention a little something about next-generation consoles and the internet. There was quite a huff a little while ago when a major next-gen console maker mentioned their device would require an internet connection to work. The reality is that all next-gen consoles…

  • Bastion – Can the Kid save the world?

    I love stories. A good, well told story can make or break a video game regardless of graphics or special features. And Bastion delivers on story. Oh, boy does it deliver on story. The gameplay mechanics are a super fun hack-n-slash with a unique platform element. The world literally comes up around you as you…

  • Defiance – An Epic Struggle for Earth’s Rescue

    Overview If you haven’t heard about Defiance yet, let me take a moment to tell you a few things you need to know. Defiance is the first ever video game and TV show taking place at the same time. Now, I can’t imagine the logistical nightmare this is from the development side, but from the users side, I’m stoked.…