It’s in the mail

I must admit, I wasn’t really looking to pick up the new Rockstar game despite the fact that I’ve loved almost every Rockstar game ever made. I guess I’d just been successful in avoiding knowing much about it and had convinced myself I really didn’t have the time/money/energy to play L.A. Noire. But I finally broke down and watched some trailers and decided it was a game I needed!


I love Rockstar games for their stories. They are always engaging and get you involved with the characters. With L.A. Noire I’m expecting this and at a whole new level. The videos I’ve seen regarding the MotionScan techonolgy look amazing. And I’m really looking forward to driving around 1940’s Los Angeles.


The game shows up tomorrow. So, I would expect a formal review in a few weeks. 😉 I decided to write this up before it came since I probably won’t make the time after it arrives.

Buy it now at Amazon: