Dead Throne – IT’S HERE!!!!

One of the greatest bands of all time has gone and done it again. No, it’s not Led Zeppelin’s new album (different greatest band), it’s the Ohio based The Devil Wears Prada – and their new album Dead Throne comes out today.

The Devil Wears Prada holds a very special place in my heart. During some tough times in my life TDWP was a source of joy and a wonderful release from tension and a struggle with the flesh. The new album is very much the Prada I have come to expect, and brings the intensity, emotion and techincal proficiency I’ve come to love from TDWP. Lyrically and musically this album rocks. I’ll write more about the album in the coming weeks as I have time to dissect it. But for now….

Pick it up today from Amazon or iTunes and have a listen yourself.