Author: mrkniceguy

  • Winners!

    Not really expecting to ever win anything, my bro and I entered the Play & Win for Blades of Glory by playing a game we like, Dead or Alive 4, on Xbox LIVE. Little did we know that Microsoft was going to provide us with breakfast! We have yet to receive anything but I saw…

  • More on VT and Video Games

    This is a great article from Winda Benedetti at you simply must read: LINK my favorite part: “the most deadly school shooting in history took place at the University of Texas in Austin… in 1966. Not even “Pong” had been invented at that time.”

  • Violent games

    reprint from Joystiq: Dear ____________, In light of the recent tragedy, you might have heard some people saying that violent games are partially to blame for real life violence. To put your minds at ease about these games, I, ____________, make the following declarations: I know the difference between right and wrong. I know the…