Bungie has updated its webpage – everything is back to normal, folks. They have a news article posted to make it all official. You can sense some frustration in their post – Bungie is like a groom who just got stood up at the altar. I feel bad for them. I hope that when the announcement comes, it makes up for all of this.
Author: MrsKniceGuy
The MYS7ERY Continues…
Last night, Bungie posted a letter on its countdown homepage, stating that it had a change of plans due to its publisher. The letter sounds too harsh to be a part of the original hoax (and if it is, I say it’s in poor taste). It looks like this alternate reality game, or ARG, just got a little more interesting.
I have to say that I’ve spent more time thinking about Bungie this week than I ought to. I absolutely love these kinds of things – finding all the clues, putting the pieces together, watching everyone else try to sort it out. I think it’s pretty amazing that Bungie has the type of fan base that can take this seriously enough to pull it off. And with the latest setback, they are getting even more publicity – part of the original plan? They did say to EXPECT DELAYS.
Another conspiracy theorist found a website to a radio station (real? alternate reality?) that was running the Bungie countdown at the same time. After yesterday, the script was changed. Now the last two lines read:
followed by a countdown that ends on August 7 at 7:07 pm. Knowing Bungie’s love for the number 7, we can only add that to the list of conspiracy possibilities, and imagine that, if they don’t have an announcement attached to EA’s presser this afternoon, we’ll have to wait until August to see what’s up their sleeves.
I hope against hope that this is a brand new franchise by Bungie, something completely unrelated to the Halo universe. We’ll find out soon!
What is Bungie Up to?
And now for the question everyone is asking… What is Bungie up to? A visit to their homepage at Bungie.net brings up a logo of what fans are calling “The Superintendent” as well as a countdown leading to 7:07 am Pacific Time tomorrow, 7/16.
On Bungie Day, July 7 (notice the 7-7 symbolism here too), Bungie released a gamer picture pack and theme that both included the superintendent.
Several Bungie employees have been seen at E3 (but what gaming company *doesn’t* have representatives at E3 right now?) and there is speculation about a new game announcement. But what? And when? Neither Microsoft nor Sony included them in their keynotes. Remember that Microsoft owns the rights to the Halo franchise, but no longer owns Bungie. Is this some new game franchise from Bungie? One can only hope.
Stay tuned. We will bring you more as the story unfolds.