Category: Wii

  • Why I Think Reed Hastings Knows What He Is Doing – Netflix and Qwikster

    The internet is a-buzz with negative comments regarding the recent letter and price changes from Netflix (NFLX), of which I’ve commented on before.

    Reed Hastings, CEO and Co-Founder of Netflix recently wrote a letter, which was emailed to all customers as well as posted on the Netflix blog. In the letter, Mr. Hastings apologized (admirable and humble, a sign of a true leader) for the lack of communication regarding the price change as well as detailed a massive change (massive unless you paid attention to the details the first time around) to the Netflix corporate structure. This change comes in the form of the DVD portion of the Netflix company becoming it’s own organization (again, not a surprise if you paid attention during the price change) named Qwikster, with it’s own website and seperate name on your monthly credit card statement. The new service changes only in name but the function remains the same, shipping movies to your home. As a bonus, they also announced that video games for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii would be available through the service soon.

    So, two things from me. First, I think Reed did a great job handling this whole thing. While initially there seemed to be information missing (like what exactly did they mean by separating the streaming and DVD portions of the company) the follow-up sought to remedy that and announce further what they intended for the company. Secondly, I believe they see the two services as needing to grow at different paces, with streaming taking the lead. The move makes complete sense IF you understand the future of the business to be streaming, which I believe is the future and Reed and associates seem to agree with me. STARZ will be regretting the departure when Netflix moves to fight for streaming and picks up better distributors.

    So, what’s the bottom line, Netflix has communicated their commitment to the future of movies at home, and that future IS streaming. If the company restructeruing, a few more bucks a month (come on people, it’s waaaay cheaper than cable!) achieve this, then I’m all for it.

    For the record, my DVD plan ended September 1st. I now only subscribe to the streaming side of Netflix. If you’re a movie studio and you want a piece of the pie, it’s time to get on board.

    The future is streaming. Netflix, make it happen.

  • E3: Nintendo Making More Bathroom Scales

    In Nintendo’s keynote speech this morning, president Satoru Owata said that none of the employees in his company five years ago could have imagined such success in selling millions of bathroom scales. Who knew that the Wii was not originally intended to be a gaming console? (tic)

    In a shocking announcement, Nintendo stated that they have teams working on more Mario games and more Zelda games. And they also plan to get more hot celebrities to shill their games for them, because it works.

    Games announced for the Wii include Animal Crossing: City Folk, Star Wars: the Clone Wars, Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party, Wii Sports Resort, and Call of Duty: World at War.  Wii Music is their new big title, including the ability to play 50 different instruments without any concern with timing or button pressing – just pretend to play with the wiimote or balance board and the Wii will sense the movement. It is meant to be a casual game for players of all ages, up to four at a time.

    In an interesting move for Nintendo, they also announced a custom Grand Theft Auto game, China Town Wars, coming to DS this winter.

    Joystiq: Nintendo Keynote
    Kotaku: E3 Nintendo Live Blog

  • Bludgeoning a dead horse

    It’s already been established. Manhunt 2 is a lame game. Purely looking at the game play aspect Manhunt 2 offers very little in the way of “fun” which I think most people look for in a game (yes?). But that’s not good enough. Never mind the poor ratings and reviews (Metacritic score of 65), if people here about it enough they can’t stop thinking about it and won’t leave it alone. If no one hears about a game, no one plays it… just ask any marketing department. But if you can get some hype out of reviews, even negative ones, you will sell some copies.

    Enter Sen. Hillary Clinton. Can’t let the dead horse lie huh? She (and a few other Senators) are calling for a “review” of the ESRB’s rating of Manhunt 2. Why? Because flailing you arms around like a moron simulating killing motions is SO much worse than using your thumbs. So we must now waste who knows how much of the taxpayers dollars looking at the so called “murder simulator” that no one is playing anyway. Do you think this is a good use of a Senators time? Or do you think they should be doing more to protect free speech, seeing as how the are supposed to be working for the country that set the standard for free speech. You decide.

    In contrast, when thinking of the upcoming ’08 run, don’t overlook former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. He’s a (beginner) gamer! Just ask Chuck Norris!!!