Category: Wii

  • Why I Think Reed Hastings Knows What He Is Doing – Netflix and Qwikster

    The internet is a-buzz with negative comments regarding the recent letter and price changes from Netflix (NFLX), of which I’ve commented on before. Reed Hastings, CEO and Co-Founder of Netflix recently wrote a letter, which was emailed to all customers as well as posted on the Netflix blog. In the letter, Mr. Hastings apologized (admirable and…

  • E3: Nintendo Making More Bathroom Scales

    In Nintendo’s keynote speech this morning, president Satoru Owata said that none of the employees in his company five years ago could have imagined such success in selling millions of bathroom scales. Who knew that the Wii was not originally intended to be a gaming console? (tic) In a shocking announcement, Nintendo stated that they…

  • Bludgeoning a dead horse

    It’s already been established. Manhunt 2 is a lame game. Purely looking at the game play aspect Manhunt 2 offers very little in the way of “fun” which I think most people look for in a game (yes?). But that’s not good enough. Never mind the poor ratings and reviews (Metacritic score of 65), if…