Category: Xbox 360

  • TVersity. Oh, why did I ever doubt you.

    If you’ve ever wished you could watch a video or listen to music on your Xbox 360 you have several options. One is to put your data on a portable harddrive or USB device and actually plug it into your 360. But if you have your Xbox hooked into your home network, why not stream the content over your exising setup?

    There are several options available to stream media content via a UPnP device. If you have a Windows based PC, you probably have Microsoft Media Player 11. Built right in is the ability to stream movies and music. Of course, if you wanted to view pictures or internet feeds, this program wouldn’t be enough. Recently Google launched their Media Server. After a quick test it was uninstalled and I went with my tried and true application. TVersity.

    TVersity is an open source all-in-one media server. I can stream music and listen to it while I play games. I can watch movies located on my computer’s hard drive. I can view pictures and set them as backgrounds for my dashboard. I can even manage downloadable podcasts and videos and watch them at my leasure. TVersity has met my needs in all these areas. And the best part, it’s free and easy to set up.

    Check it out. Comment back what you think. Version 1.0 is right around the corner and I can’t wait to see what they do with it.


  • Ninja’s are awesome. Ryu is THE Awesome.

    Ninja Gaiden II

    I had a chance to played the Ninja Gaiden II Demo last night for a few minutes. I was doing some work on the ‘box (don’t ask) and needed something with some serious GPU pull but without any spinning media. Well, I happened to see the new demo for Ninja Impossible x2 and thought I’d give it a go. Not only did it work for my test, the game is super sweet! Having played Gaiden on the Xbox I moved smoothly into the control system, pleasantly surprised when I didn’t die once during the whole demo (I have a feeling that was on purpose, it didn’t get the nickname Ninja Impossible for being a cakewalk).

    The battle system is awesome. Fighting 10 guys is a challenge, but you feel Ryu’s power as a ninja in your hands. A lot of the elements from the first Xbox version are back, with the item store and save locations being roughly the same. The demo did it’s trick though because by the end I wanted more.. and then they cut me off wanting.

    So far the game has received decent reviews. Definitely for fans of the series and not a casual gamer. I will be picking it up eventually but will probably wait for the first price drop.

    Ninja Gaiden II is rated M for Mature.

    M Rating

  • And the winner is…


    Stats are in for the top game on Xbox Live. And no, it’s Halo 3 (it hasn’t been for a while now). There has been a battle for the last few weeks between the 1, 2 and 3 spots between Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. Halo was champion for weeks until Call of Duty was released and gave it a run for it’s money. Now GTA IV has entered the playing field and held it for 4 straight weeks. But it was too good to last as COD 4 takes the top spot and Halo 3 slides into the #2 spot.  Just goes to show the strength that COD 4 brings to the table. Strong gameplay, great ranking system and killer maps make this a must play. And as if you needed more incentive…

    IAMfourzerotwo announces the Double XP weekend! That’s right, from Friday to Monday, play Charlie Oscar Delta 4 for double experience! Double XP for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Ah, you guys are too awesome. We *heart* you.

    Double XP on all Playlists (via Joystiq)