Category: Xbox 360

  • Sometimes no news is…

    good news. And that would be the case if Sony could just keep off the radar, maybe someone would accidentally pick up a PS3. But when news of delays keep coming out and only the PS3 version is getting delayed, it makes you wonder what’s going on. Kotaku reported today the latest delay, Medal of…

  • The new (post 2)

    The little glitch from the other day has been handled. The new site looks great and I am so happy the two tier navigation is gone! I find myself willing to check out more of the site now, which is a good thing. Way to go M$. Side note. I noticed the upcoming Mini-E3 info…

  • The New

    Microsoft updated the website last night and has a much fresher feel and look now. Not only does it reflect the new Xbox 360 better, the navigation got a lot of help. Friends lists are easier to access, as well as the page being widened to allow for a better display. But I noticed…