
  • Portal 2 Pre-Order Excitement

    In our house, Portal is king. The seemingly un-noticeable add-on to Valve’s Orange Box was dwarfed by the Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress content. But it didn’t take long for folks to take note of this little gem. The puzzles were amazing, the game-play endearing, and the companion cube is unforgeable (or as my son calls it, the “Friendly Cube”). So when Valve announced a stand alone Portal 2, promising to be much bigger there was reason for much rejoicing.

    The next chance to jump into Portal comes April 19 in the U.S. and Amazon is practically going to give you this little beauty. Pre-Order now and Amazon will give you a $20 credit on your account when the game ships, with a release date delivery guarantee. Don’t miss this chance to pick up the next best game coming out.

    Now you’re thinking with Portals.


    Updating my autopen signatures today I noticed an unfortunate fact. is no longer serving up Xbox Live gamercards. Morgan, the mastermind behind MGC, was forced to shut down the service after 5 years of providing the gaming community with gaming updates and tools for forum signature bragging rights. While he was (graciously!) able to fund most of the project, he was unable to get Microsoft to help him out with the issues regarding cheaters. With the recent changes to the website and being without the necessary APIs, it became apparent that the time of MGC was over.

    Thank you for your awesome work Morgan. 5 years online was no small feat. MyGamerCard will be missed.

    Please read the letter from Morgan HERE


  • Darkwave? You’d better believe it.

    I tend to be a pretty big metal head. I can listen to metal pretty much any time of the day. But that’s not the only music I enjoy. I did make an interesting discovery though. I like darkwave. Darkwave is pretty much newwave, but much darker (which is why it fits my preference so well. I’ve been listening to She Want’s Revenge most of the night and I’ve got to admit, it’s pretty freakin’ awesome. If you haven’t checked it out, do so. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.