
  • Fable 2 – Pub Games


    Well, if you’ve overheard mr or mrs kniceguy talking in the last few weeks, you probably heard something about a little game called “Fable 2.” It just a sequel to one of the best Original Xbox games ever made. And it’s coming out soon.

    Even better, for preordering the title, Lionhead is giving you early access to the “Pub Games” arcade content. The idea is, you can play the Pub Games and earn gold for when the full title is released October 21st. Pub Games drop on August 13 and will be played like mad at the kniceguy household. More on this content to come from MrsKniceGuy I’m sure.

    Make sure you have Fable 2 pre-ordered. You will hav a hard time finding it if you don’t…

  • Making it better – part 2

    Last week I introduced the new links to the Forum and mentioned the Gallery, but didn’t go into much detail.

    This week I’m happy to announce the new Gallery pages on! Currently featuring Halo 3 Screenshots and a couple of snaps from Project Gotham Racing 4.

    Check back from time to time to see if your screenshot made it to the Gallery! Have one you think is super, super sweet? Email it to me with a description and I’ll upload it.

    This is a relativly new feature so let me know if you have any issues with it. I’ll try and work out all the bugs so you don’t have to, but I appriciate your help if you find something not working.

    And most of all, enjoy. 🙂

  • Why I <3 Call of Duty 4


    If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a chick. And yes, I like to play froo-froo games like Viva Pinata and Animal Crossing. But right now, my very favorite game is Call of Duty 4. I’ve been playing a lot more since a friend introduced me to the Headquarters playlist (thanks Covie!), which is like capture the flag on crack. I know I’m rare, because if I play in the afternoons (nap time for the kids), the conversations usually go something like this:

    lilkid94 (obviously 14 years old or younger): Mrs. K. Nice Guy? (kid obviously didn’t get through Hooked on Phonics.) What the @#$%? You must be gay, you @#$%^.
    me: no, my tag would be gay if I was a guy, but I’m not.
    lilkid94: wha???? you… you’re a … GIRL??? Holy !@#$%^ *head explodes*
    at least 5 other people in room: a GIRL!! Playing Call of DUTY!!! *heads explode*
