
  • E3: Nintendo Making More Bathroom Scales

    In Nintendo’s keynote speech this morning, president Satoru Owata said that none of the employees in his company five years ago could have imagined such success in selling millions of bathroom scales. Who knew that the Wii was not originally intended to be a gaming console? (tic)

    In a shocking announcement, Nintendo stated that they have teams working on more Mario games and more Zelda games. And they also plan to get more hot celebrities to shill their games for them, because it works.

    Games announced for the Wii include Animal Crossing: City Folk, Star Wars: the Clone Wars, Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party, Wii Sports Resort, and Call of Duty: World at War.  Wii Music is their new big title, including the ability to play 50 different instruments without any concern with timing or button pressing – just pretend to play with the wiimote or balance board and the Wii will sense the movement. It is meant to be a casual game for players of all ages, up to four at a time.

    In an interesting move for Nintendo, they also announced a custom Grand Theft Auto game, China Town Wars, coming to DS this winter.

    Joystiq: Nintendo Keynote
    Kotaku: E3 Nintendo Live Blog

  • More on the Fall 2008 Dashboard

    Major Nelson posted more details on the previously mentioned dashboard. Some exciting new features coming down the pipe.

    Play from the hard drive: The ability to copy your game to the hard drive on your Xbox. Play right from the drive and save your disk. You will have to insert the disk to confirm ownership though (of course).

    Web Access to LIVE Marketplace: Buy downloads from the web and have it download automagically to your console. New maps, TV and movies or even arcade games.

    Xbox LIVE Party System: Create a party of up to 8 friends and hang out! Play games together, watch Netflix together (sweet!) or share personal photos. And finally, chat with more than 2 people!

    Avatars: Mentioned earlier, this is your personally created character. You can play games with your avatar as well. We’ll have to wait to see more on what that is about.

    and new display support: If you use a widescreen LCD computer monitor, you know what I mean when I say “sweet! 1440X900 support!” That’s right, Xbox 360 will do 16×10 aspect ratio. Awesome.

    Microsoft Xbox 360 FTW!

  • BREAKING: Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard – Avatars

    E3 is well underway and Microsoft came out swinging today. With the announcement of the new fall dashboard Xbox users will have the fun of customizing their own avatars!

    Looking somewhat like the Mii that Wii users are familiar with, the Xbox 360 Avatar is your representation of yourself to the world. Customize your character, form a party with your friends and play avatar friendly games together. Best of all, you can form a party and then watch some Netflix Watch Now together. Sweet!

    Xbox360Fanboy – Avatars