Paperboy is here!
And I haven’t posted in a while! My bro got a 360 and we’ve had fun playing together over LIVE. Playing Co-op on live is awesome! We’re over 100 miles apart but have tons of fun battling the hoard together. More soon to come about the latest game, Viva Pinata.
Rumer? I hope not!
It’s not an official announcment but Achive360points.com has Paperboy on the site today… a good chance of coming to Xbox LIVE in the near future! Not that it’s the greatest game ever or anything, I just have fond memories of playing this game when it came out and having the oportunity to play it agian…
I saw it…
the abomination. I thought were headed in the right direction. We had made leaps and bounds on the design between Xbox and Xbox 360. My Three-Sixty is downright sexy. And Nintendo made a console looking GameCube, truly a sight too behold. But I was walking through Wal-Mart when I spotted a PlayStation 3 in the…