
  • Talk about panic!

    Tried to play Gears just now. Tried and tried and tried to play Gears.. but it just wouldn’t load anything! I tried to start new games, all kinds of stuff. Then I found this. Seems that LIVE was down (just the Gears of War part) and wouldn’t load my save. Good thing I checked though, I thought my save was bad and almost deleted my game-save! That’s some poor programming right there.. great game but bad idea at the same time. Thanks ChrisG for saving me the headache! Now it’s too late to play(took me an hour to find anything, should have gone to IGN a long time ago ), but at least I can pick it up there tomorrow!

    Gears of War won’t load saved game

  • Time says it all… just published it’s top “5 Things That Went From Buzz to Bust” and guess who made.. that’s right! $ONY!!!

    Here’s the best part:

    The big story in computer games this year was HOW TO BLOW A HUGE LEAD, by Sony. Its PlayStation 2 was the champ in the last round of the console wars. This time Sony bet on a chip called the Cell and a disc format called Blu-ray. They’re probably awesome, but how would anybody know? The PS3 is hideously expensive–it goes for up to $600–and Sony manufactured only a piddling few hundred thousand for the U.S., fewer for Japan. Plus it’s hard to write games for; the launch titles were lame. You know you’re in trouble when you get beat by something called a Wii.

    I am laughing so hard right now it hurts.. so just go read the rest yourself.

  • Can you say “Wiidiculous?”

    This is a pretty funny site. Where most gaming sites are geared towards games and such, this one is related to game playing injuries. has all the details about how to (or maybe how NOT to) hurt yourself playing the Nintendo Wii console. I’m not sure, but I’d say it’s a first. 🙂