Tag: android

  • Google Music Beta vs Amazon Cloud Player (A Quick Look)

    I’m a big fan of both Google and Amazon. Inovation and a web experience like no other, Google continues to bring amazing technologies to the forefront of our internet browsers (in my case – Google Chrome). And Amazon brings me all kinds fun through not only digital toys, but physical objects delivered to my door. So when I was accepted into the Google Music Beta program and had a chance to compare the two company’s services, I was, to say the least, excited.

    Google Music Beta vs. Android Cloud Player



  • Android and WordPress

    I gotta admit, I’m pretty excited about posting from my sweet phone. One of the main reasons for reloading the WordPress site is to use the android app. Be looking for more sweet content in the future.

  • Spark 360 Review

    There is a special place in my heart for technology. I’ve grown up around gadgets and gear and spent plenty of time programming, building and replacing hardware and the like. So I love it when technology pieces fit together. One of those pieces is an Android app that brings the joys of Xbox Live to my mobile Android device.

    Spark 360 is an Android application to connect you with your friends and fellow gamers over Xbox Live, even while you’re away from your console. Actually, I use it while I’m on my console as it’s easier to message people with the app than with a controller!

    The interface is clean. Super clean. Beautiful in fact. I can access messages (and send, which is great!), see who’s online and track games I’ve played. There’s even a Microsoft Points conversion tool built in. The latest update offers a favorite users function (just star your close friends in the app and filter for that) and message notifications.

    If you are a gamer and an Android user, Spark is a must have app.