Tag: Funny

  • Video Game Comics

    There are some video game related comics out there. My personal favorite (and I think most others) would have to be Penny Arcade. PA has been around for a few years and has built up quite a following. They even have started one of the biggest and best gaming expos in the country. And most recently, they have release an episodic game centered around the two main characters, Gabe and Tycho.

    Almost always funny, sometimes crude, sometimes irreverent, but always good for a laugh. Check it out.

    A few of my other favorite comics are:
    Ctrl Alt Del
    Digital Unrest

    Do you have a favorite web comic?

  • “laser swords”

    Having worked retail in the past I love reading about other peoples experiences with customers and the wacky things they say. This one was particularly funny mostly because I have been asked similary questions in the past. I have never worked at a game store but I have been asked similar questions with similar results.

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
    Video Game Store | United Kingdom

    (Note: I didn’t even work at this place. I was just looking at the games with my dad but I figured I’d help this lady out.)

    Customer: “Hi, my son wants a Star Wars game. How much will that be?”

    Me: “Well, there are lots of Star Wars games, because some are older than others. The older ones are more likely to be cheaper… sometimes the console changes the price as well.”

    Customer: “Console?”

    Me: “The thing you play it on.”

    Customer: “Oh he’s got a Gamestation.”

    Me: “Do you mean a Playstation or a Gamecube?”

    Customer: “I don’t know, it’s black.”

    Read the rest on notalwaysright.com

  • The New Grand Theft Auto

    Just in case you missed Conan O’Brien covering the new GTA IV. Embedded for your viewing pleasure.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4