Tag: Gears of War

  • Fraggin’ music

    I love the Xbox 360 simply for the fact that I can listen to the music I love, while playing the games I love. I’m always looking for good fragging music to listen to while playing Halo 3 or Gears of War. Usually lots of metal is in order as it gets the blood and…

  • Viva Pinãta

    I got my wife Viva Pinãta for valentines day. At first she was not super happy with me, not that I got her something for V-Day but that I bought her a game. Games are my thing, not hers. Well, I think it went over ok. She has played for well over 10 hours now…

  • Talk about panic!

    Tried to play Gears just now. Tried and tried and tried to play Gears.. but it just wouldn’t load anything! I tried to start new games, all kinds of stuff. Then I found this. Seems that LIVE was down (just the Gears of War part) and wouldn’t load my save. Good thing I checked though,…