• L.A. Noire Review

    It’s rough business, but someone has got to do it. I’m talking about L.A. Noire, the mysterious new title from Rockstar Games, developed by Team Bandi. And let me tell you, they’ve done a bang-up job. Dropped right into the thick of policework in post-world-war-II Los Angeles, rookie officer Cole Phelps has just come home from…

  • I are WIN!

    Well, I must say I was pleasantly surprised today when I got an email informing me that I had placed 4th in the Xbox LIVE GTA IV Promotion! I didn’t even remember entering until I went looking for the promo. There were 3 thousand “4th places” and I happened to be one of them! The…

  • GTA IV Story in under 30hrs

    Well, it took me much longer that 30 hrs but I did it. I beat GTA IV in under 30 hours. Well, it actually took me a lot more than 30 hours, but when you reload your save every time you die, it makes it easier to do. The major plus was the opportunity to…