Tag: Halo 3

  • Making it better – part 2

    Last week I introduced the new links to the Forum and mentioned the Gallery, but didn’t go into much detail.

    This week I’m happy to announce the new Gallery pages on mrkniceguy.com! Currently featuring Halo 3 Screenshots and a couple of snaps from Project Gotham Racing 4.

    Check back from time to time to see if your screenshot made it to the Gallery! Have one you think is super, super sweet? Email it to me with a description and I’ll upload it.

    This is a relativly new feature so let me know if you have any issues with it. I’ll try and work out all the bugs so you don’t have to, but I appriciate your help if you find something not working.

    And most of all, enjoy. 🙂

  • 100 Posts!

    Just shy of two years, mrkniceguy.com finally hit the 100 posts milemarker! Thanks to events like E3, new Halo 3 maps, Jack Thompson, and general video game tomfoolery, we are rocking along. And of course, our newest blogger, MrsKniceGuy will help us get to 200 posts in half that time. And last but not least, you! Hooray!

  • And the winner is…


    Stats are in for the top game on Xbox Live. And no, it’s Halo 3 (it hasn’t been for a while now). There has been a battle for the last few weeks between the 1, 2 and 3 spots between Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. Halo was champion for weeks until Call of Duty was released and gave it a run for it’s money. Now GTA IV has entered the playing field and held it for 4 straight weeks. But it was too good to last as COD 4 takes the top spot and Halo 3 slides into the #2 spot.  Just goes to show the strength that COD 4 brings to the table. Strong gameplay, great ranking system and killer maps make this a must play. And as if you needed more incentive…

    IAMfourzerotwo announces the Double XP weekend! That’s right, from Friday to Monday, play Charlie Oscar Delta 4 for double experience! Double XP for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Ah, you guys are too awesome. We *heart* you.

    Double XP on all Playlists (via Joystiq)