Tag: Microsoft

  • DRM Update – SOLVED!

    Well, I must say I am pretty impressed. I figured I was going to be a statistic and no longer able to play my XBLA games while Live was down for maintenance. But after one call to Xbox support and only a week gone by, they have resolved this issue to my complete satisfaction. I simply headed over to my download history and “re-downloaded” the content. It didn’t really have to download as it was already there, it simply had to renew the license. But after about an hour of updating (I have quite a few XBLA and DL content) I was back to normal.

    I must say that Microsoft has started to get a handle on the DRM issue. I hope you are as successful as I was.

  • DRM and my Xbox 360

    UPDATE* This issue is resolved! Way to go Microsoft.

    Well, I’ve finally been bitten by the DRM monster. Just about 3 weeks ago my Xbox 360 suffered the RRoD (aka the 3RLoD) so I sent it in to Microsoft. They were very quick to send it back and I was able to confirm a new heatsink, and replaced DVD drive (BenQ). However, the licensed content on my Xbox that was more that a year old did not carry over. So, I must be signed into Xbox Live to play WIK: Falbe of Souls or some of my Oblivion add-on content. I must say, I am non too pleased. After a call to support (1-800-4MY-XBOX) they are “working on it” and will call me in “the next 30 days.” 30 days? So if my internet is down or I am not at home in the next month, don’t count on being able to play Oblivion

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on downloaded content from the Live Marketplace, but I will think twice about it next time. I enjoy being able to use the things I’ve paid for. It is very inconvenient to have to be signed into Xbox Live to do it. Comon’ Microsoft. Get this fixed!

    Have you been screwed by the DRM issue? Your comments below.

  • This guy knows what’s up.

    Red Herring has an interview with Atari founder Nolan Bushnell. I’ll quote the best part here but be sure to read the whole article!

    Q: What about Sony’s PlayStation 3 Strategy?

    A: I think Sony shot themselves in the foot… there is a high probability [they] will fail. The price point is probably unsustainable. For years and years Sony has been a very difficult company to deal with from a developer standpoint. They could get away with their arrogance and capriciousness because they had an installed base. They have also historically had horrible software tools. You compare that to the Xbox 360 with really great authoring tools [and] additional revenue streams from Xbox live… a first party developer would be an idiot to develop for Sony first and not the 360. People don’t buy hardware, they buy software.

    Q: But what about Sony’s success with the PlayStation and PS2? They sold more than 100 million of each system.

    A: It wasn’t anything brilliant that they did. With the PS and PS2 it was timing. They had the right pricing at the right time [and were] almost the accidental winner. It would not surprise me if a year from now they’ll be struggling to sell 1 million units. [Factoring in the PS3’s price], I think in the U.S. the number of early adopters you have is actually around 300,000.