Tag: Netflix

  • To Digital or Not To Digital – Musings on Mediums

    The buzz around the internet today regarding Xbox One and PS4 has me thinking more about this new age of downloading. It’s quickly becoming the prefered medium to obtain entertainment and tools. Just last week I downloaded  several ebooks to read on my Nexus 7, my prefered reading platform. On Saturday I streamed 3 new…

  • Netflix Backs Out, And So Do I

    If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you’ll see that I am a big fan of Netflix. It’s DVD by mail service revolutionized the way we watch movies at home. As for me and my family, we’ve been with them for almost 10 years. But all that is about to change. No,…

  • Why I Think Reed Hastings Knows What He Is Doing – Netflix and Qwikster

    The internet is a-buzz with negative comments regarding the recent letter and price changes from Netflix (NFLX), of which I’ve commented on before. Reed Hastings, CEO and Co-Founder of Netflix recently wrote a letter, which was emailed to all customers as well as posted on the Netflix blog. In the letter, Mr. Hastings apologized (admirable and…