Tag: Oblivion

  • Reduced Priced DLC on the Marketplace

    From now until the end of October, Microsoft is having a sale on select DownLoadable Content on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Xbox LIVE’s Major Nelson announced today that content for Oblivion, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, Guitar Hero 3 and Beautiful Katamari have been discounted 25-60%.

    While I already have the Shivering Isles, 1600 is well worth picking it up if you have not already.
    Hit the jump for the full details from Major Nelson

    DLC Pricing on MajorNelson.com

  • DRM and my Xbox 360

    UPDATE* This issue is resolved! Way to go Microsoft.

    Well, I’ve finally been bitten by the DRM monster. Just about 3 weeks ago my Xbox 360 suffered the RRoD (aka the 3RLoD) so I sent it in to Microsoft. They were very quick to send it back and I was able to confirm a new heatsink, and replaced DVD drive (BenQ). However, the licensed content on my Xbox that was more that a year old did not carry over. So, I must be signed into Xbox Live to play WIK: Falbe of Souls or some of my Oblivion add-on content. I must say, I am non too pleased. After a call to support (1-800-4MY-XBOX) they are “working on it” and will call me in “the next 30 days.” 30 days? So if my internet is down or I am not at home in the next month, don’t count on being able to play Oblivion

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on downloaded content from the Live Marketplace, but I will think twice about it next time. I enjoy being able to use the things I’ve paid for. It is very inconvenient to have to be signed into Xbox Live to do it. Comon’ Microsoft. Get this fixed!

    Have you been screwed by the DRM issue? Your comments below.

  • Viva Pinãta

    I got my wife Viva Pinãta for valentines day. At first she was not super happy with me, not that I got her something for V-Day but that I bought her a game. Games are my thing, not hers.

    Well, I think it went over ok. She has played for well over 10 hours now and is a level 28 gardener. This is cool because up until now the 360 has been more for Gears of War and Oblivion. She’s also a Burnout player but Pinãtas have taken her away. 🙂

    Now I’m faced with a dilemma (not really), should I buy another 360 so I can play again? …I like that idea. 😀

    You are win!