Tag: PC

  • Portal 2 Rocks

    Follow-up post to the Portal 2 pre-release post is that, well, PORTAL 2 ARRIVED! [singlepic id=60 w=320 h=240 float=] It’s well worth playing and I can’t recommend it enough. The story is awesome, it’s…. well, it’s Portal! I’ve already played through the story twice and the co-op mode is really fun with a friend. Pick…

  • Portal 2 Pre-Order Excitement

    In our house, Portal is king. The seemingly un-noticeable add-on to Valve’s Orange Box was dwarfed by the Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress content. But it didn’t take long for folks to take note of this little gem. The puzzles were amazing, the game-play endearing, and the companion cube is unforgeable (or as my son…

  • Far Cry 2: First impression

    Let it be know first off that I have been a fan of the Far Cry series for years. Having played the first Far Cry on PC and then Xbox, as well as Predator on Xbox 360, I know where the series has come from and what I thought I could expect. With the release…