Tag: PS3

  • Sometimes no news is…

    good news. And that would be the case if Sony could just keep off the radar, maybe someone would accidentally pick up a PS3. But when news of delays keep coming out and only the PS3 version is getting delayed, it makes you wonder what’s going on. Kotaku reported today the latest delay, Medal of Honor: Airborne. The PC and Xbox 360 versions are coming out August 28th where the Sony version is coming out “in November.” No explanation given. And none needed…

  • I think I’m going to Cry.

    As time goes on Sony’s grasp on exclusive titles seems to keep slipping. Announced just yesterday on Kotaku is Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4 is also coming to Xbox 360 and PC. While this is good news for all console owners it remains to be seen how this will affect Sony’s ability to sell their already “hard to sell” console. Also announced rumored today for the Xbox 360 are Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, Ace Combat 6 and Beautiful Katamari. All of these Namco games and all former exclusives. Can I get a “woo-hoo!”?

  • I saw it…

    the abomination. I thought were headed in the right direction. We had made leaps and bounds on the design between Xbox and Xbox 360. My Three-Sixty is downright sexy. And Nintendo made a console looking GameCube, truly a sight too behold. But I was walking through Wal-Mart when I spotted a PlayStation 3 in the display case. My first thought was “there it is,” and then “how could you miss it!” It’s huge! Of course, there’s a PS2 in there also but sheesh!!! I can’t believe that thing. It looks like there should be a Wii and a 360 in there too. I am appalled. Video game consoles should look sexy, not like if they fell on your head you would be killed instantly. Which brings me to my next point… USE THE CONSOLE NEAR THE FLOOR. We have enough injuries stemming from this launch.. we don’t need any more.