Tag: review

  • Bastion – Can the Kid save the world?

    I love stories. A good, well told story can make or break a video game regardless of graphics or special features. And Bastion delivers on story. Oh, boy does it deliver on story. The gameplay mechanics are a super fun hack-n-slash with a unique platform element. The world literally comes up around you as you…

  • L.A. Noire Review

    It’s rough business, but someone has got to do it. I’m talking about L.A. Noire, the mysterious new title from Rockstar Games, developed by Team Bandi. And let me tell you, they’ve done a bang-up job. Dropped right into the thick of policework in post-world-war-II Los Angeles, rookie officer Cole Phelps has just come home from…

  • Spark 360 Review

    There is a special place in my heart for technology. I’ve grown up around gadgets and gear and spent plenty of time programming, building and replacing hardware and the like. So I love it when technology pieces fit together. One of those pieces is an Android app that brings the joys of Xbox Live to…