Tag: Video

  • Media Monkey 4 Is Here – And Better Than Ever

    I’ve been a long time user of Media Monkey software going back to sometime around 2007. When my music collection seemed to be growing at a rate beyond what current media managers could handle effectively. Windows Media Player was ok, but super laggy. iTunes was out of the question (sorry, I don’t do Apple). And open…

  • Words.. not coming… amazing.

    As I wipe the tears from my face, a shaking hand posts this quick note, then back to watch again. For years I have loved the Far Cry franchise. For years they have been pushing the FPS bar. With the upcoming release of Far Cry 2, they have taken the bar down, made it into…

  • TVersity. Oh, why did I ever doubt you.

    If you’ve ever wished you could watch a video or listen to music on your Xbox 360 you have several options. One is to put your data on a portable harddrive or USB device and actually plug it into your 360. But if you have your Xbox hooked into your home network, why not stream…