Oblivion Arena

I am now an Arena Grand Champion! It only took two nights at a level 26 to mow through the Yellow Team in Arena mode. That marks the first faction that I have fully completed. Using my invisibility and a Deadric weapon I snuck up on my target to make short work of them. Awesome stuff.


2 responses to “Oblivion Arena”

  1. Alec Avatar

    any tips on getting good in the fighting arena, im a massive level and have great weapons but for some reason i get owned every time.

  2. mrkniceguy Avatar

    I would summon an deadra and the use a invisibility spell so I could come up behind them. The trick is to rush them out of the gate and take them out right away.

    The enemies are leveled to you so make sure you notice what weapons they are using and attack accordingly. Technics like rushing in with a block, striking and then backing out… repeat.

    Any specific help you need just hit me back.