Tag: Oblivion

  • Reduced Priced DLC on the Marketplace

    From now until the end of October, Microsoft is having a sale on select DownLoadable Content on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Xbox LIVE’s Major Nelson announced today that content for Oblivion, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, Guitar Hero 3 and Beautiful Katamari have been discounted 25-60%. While I already have the Shivering Isles, 1600…

  • DRM and my Xbox 360

    UPDATE* This issue is resolved! Way to go Microsoft. Well, I’ve finally been bitten by the DRM monster. Just about 3 weeks ago my Xbox 360 suffered the RRoD (aka the 3RLoD) so I sent it in to Microsoft. They were very quick to send it back and I was able to confirm a new…

  • Viva Pinãta

    I got my wife Viva Pinãta for valentines day. At first she was not super happy with me, not that I got her something for V-Day but that I bought her a game. Games are my thing, not hers. Well, I think it went over ok. She has played for well over 10 hours now…