Pics of the new machine

Finally got a chance to edit the pics for the new computer. See ealier post for more specs.

New Motherboard – ASUS


Mobo from the side.

mobo side

CPU has a LARGE heatsink.


I/O on the back.

I/O Panel

I/O and PCI cards (some are internal).


Motherboard looks nice in the new case.

Mobo in the Case

Power supply hook ups.

what a mess

My wife is so awesome to put up with this crap. Yeah, that’s our bed.

All the stuff

New Transformer case front.


Cool green light in the grill.

Front Grill

Case side. Notice the top fan. Very cool.

Side on

And they light up!

fan light


first boot

Case logo. I just like it. 🙂

case logo

And there you have it! Tell me what you think.



3 responses to “Pics of the new machine”

  1. MrsKniceGuy Avatar

    Your new machine is so cool – it completely suits you. I’m just amazed you can piece all that stuff together. And as for taking over the bed with computer parts, at least you left me the little corner where I could sit and play COD4 during the 14 hours you were working on your system. 🙂

  2. Jvanti Avatar

    Dude!! That’s the coolest computer I have ever seen. Just want to know how much it’s gonna cost me to have you build me it’s twin brother. Knice work man!

  3. mrkniceguy Avatar

    Thank you both.

    Jvanit – I’d be happy to build you a new computer. You ready to upgrade? 🙂