Unfinite Indiscovery? Or was it Infinite Undiscovery?…

Infinite Undiscovery

With a pretty weird title, Infinite Undiscovery has gotten some strange looks as it gets closer to its release here in the United States. But with the release of a 4 minute gameplay clip, it will be a lot harder to find bad things to say about this Square Enix release. Check it out for yourself:

Slated for September 9th release, I can’t wait to check this game out. I have enjoyed the Final Fantasy universe in the past, and I was looking forward to a new series from Square where I didn’t have to have played the last 9 games to understand the complex back story. Infinite Undiscovery seems like a good opportunity to start out with a new universe and story. And the real time battle gameplay is exciting. Here is the US trailer from a few weeks ago.

Yeah. I know. Sweet, huh? September is so far away…..

Oh, and Infinite Undiscovery is an Xbox 360 Exclusive.


3 responses to “Unfinite Indiscovery? Or was it Infinite Undiscovery?…”

  1. MrsKniceGuy Avatar

    I know how I’ll be spending most of September. Finally, a new RPG from Square Enix! With real time battles!! For the 360!!! I think I might cry!

    Did you notice how the battle lock on kind of looks like a RROD? Very fitting for a 360 exclusive.

  2. mrkniceguy Avatar

    Oh, good one MrsKniceGuy. It does look like the Red Ring of Death! 😀

  3. […] fans everywhere as the best RPG developers out there, also announced 3 more titles coming to 360: Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, and Last Remnant. All titles will be out by the end of the year, and FFXIII will […]