Author: mrkniceguy

  • Halo 3 – part 2

    Well, I’ve been playing as much Halo as I can lately. Which only means one thing. The game is great. My favorite feature is the Theater. Being able to look back on your last game and see where that guy was that sniped you is AWESOME! I can feel some machinima coming on. The Forge…

  • Halo 3

    It’s all over the place! Man, I was at GameCrazy at 11:15 to wait in line. CG had a drawing even though they had taken pre-orders… (wha?) so I got #106. Since they weren’t going to call my number until after 1am a friend and I went back to his house to play some Forza…

  • sour taste…

    Well, a while back I posted about winning a contest on the site by playing DOA4 with a friend. After finding out from the web site that we had won (there must have not been very many people that played because we never win anything) I had not received any notice that we had…