Category: Microsoft

  • DRM and my Xbox 360

    UPDATE* This issue is resolved! Way to go Microsoft. Well, I’ve finally been bitten by the DRM monster. Just about 3 weeks ago my Xbox 360 suffered the RRoD (aka the 3RLoD) so I sent it in to Microsoft. They were very quick to send it back and I was able to confirm a new…

  • sour taste…

    Well, a while back I posted about winning a contest on the site by playing DOA4 with a friend. After finding out from the web site that we had won (there must have not been very many people that played because we never win anything) I had not received any notice that we had…

  • TVersity

    I have been using TVersity for a couple months now. I am very happy with it so far. My big deal is my whole library of music is in .ogg format which rules out Xbox Connect and most other UPnP servers. But using this tool and TVersity I can listen to all my great tunes…