Category: PlayStation

  • Day One Patches and Next-Gen Consoles

    Day One Patches and Next-Gen Consoles

    Next-Gen Consoles Future is a Wired (or Wireless) One I just wanted to mention a little something about next-generation consoles and the internet. There was quite a huff a little while ago when a major next-gen console maker mentioned their device would require an internet connection to work. The reality is that all next-gen consoles…

  • E3: Sony Advertises Televisions

    Using approximately one billion Sony TVs for their E3 keynote speech, Sony reminded everyone how they really make their money and why they paid out billions to win the Hi-Def war. But in gaming news… Several PS3 games will now be upped to “classic” status, with the price lowered to $29.99: Resistance, Fall of Man;…

  • And it gets better!

    Now reports are coming in that Ace Combat 6 is an Xbox exclusive! Set for release in Japan it shouldn’t be too long before we’re taking to the skies here in the U.S. it should be noted that this series originated on the PlayStation, grew up on PS2 and is now headed out… I wonder…