Category: Xbox 360

  • Too Many Good Games…

    The KniceGuy Household xbox360 attachment rate increased over the weekend. Again. Every time we have a family event (in this case, it was a celebration of 7 years of marriage for Mr & Mrs KniceGuy), we have to buy a game or two to celebrate.  We thought about trading in a few games, but then we went through our entire library and couldn’t find a single game we didn’t want to keep playing. If I counted correctly, we’re up to 26 games now, counting two copies of Call of Duty 4 so both of us could play online together.

    When we went to GameStop to buy PGR4 and Bioshock (both used) and preorder Fable 2, I caught myself saying “There are too many good games coming out!” If I was made of money and time, I would have preordered Fallout 3 and Infinite Undiscovery on the spot. I find myself organizing my time based on what game will be coming out. It’s a great problem for gamers these day – too many great games that make it hard to choose what to play.

    So here’s MrsKniceGuy’s schedule of games for the next few months:
    1. Finish Blue Dragon.
    2. Finish Mass Effect playthrough #4 on Insanity (I’ve already got my level 60 Vanguard, it shouldn’t take long now).
    3. Trade “the Allies” Mass Effect for Lost Odyssey.
    4. Spend days of life (and several boxes of kleenex if the GamerchiX are right) playing Lost Odyssey.
    5. Play the Fable 2 pub games in August while waiting impatiently for October 21.
    6. Rent Infinite Undiscovery on September 1, and decide whether to buy it.
    7. Preorder Fallout 3 after a pay day in September for the October 8 release.

    And see? I completely forgot Bioshock, PGR4, more COD4 online, Geometry Wars 2, and about half a dozen other games I would really love to play. Like I said, there are too many good games out these days. But I won’t complain.

    I’m sure MrKniceGuy has a completely different list – and if his response to playing PGR4 yesterday is any indication, I bet it will involve a lot of motorcycle racing.

    So, what games are you currently enjoying or looking forward to? I’d love to add more to the plethora of gamer goodness on the schedule.

  • More on the Fall 2008 Dashboard

    Major Nelson posted more details on the previously mentioned dashboard. Some exciting new features coming down the pipe.

    Play from the hard drive: The ability to copy your game to the hard drive on your Xbox. Play right from the drive and save your disk. You will have to insert the disk to confirm ownership though (of course).

    Web Access to LIVE Marketplace: Buy downloads from the web and have it download automagically to your console. New maps, TV and movies or even arcade games.

    Xbox LIVE Party System: Create a party of up to 8 friends and hang out! Play games together, watch Netflix together (sweet!) or share personal photos. And finally, chat with more than 2 people!

    Avatars: Mentioned earlier, this is your personally created character. You can play games with your avatar as well. We’ll have to wait to see more on what that is about.

    and new display support: If you use a widescreen LCD computer monitor, you know what I mean when I say “sweet! 1440X900 support!” That’s right, Xbox 360 will do 16×10 aspect ratio. Awesome.

    Microsoft Xbox 360 FTW!

  • BREAKING: Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard – Avatars

    E3 is well underway and Microsoft came out swinging today. With the announcement of the new fall dashboard Xbox users will have the fun of customizing their own avatars!

    Looking somewhat like the Mii that Wii users are familiar with, the Xbox 360 Avatar is your representation of yourself to the world. Customize your character, form a party with your friends and play avatar friendly games together. Best of all, you can form a party and then watch some Netflix Watch Now together. Sweet!

    Xbox360Fanboy – Avatars