Category: Xbox 360

  • My Xbox 360 has a Voice

    I’ve just started using a few weeks ago. So far it’s been very fun to see what my 360 will say each day. Although it’s gotten a little confused (on 3/19 I didn’t really get 48 achievements playing FC Instincts Predator, I just played some games I haven’t played in a while) the posts are very funny.

    Have patience setting it up though, it really does take two full days for them to pull all the information. Then, start playing and see what your Xbox has to say!

  • And it gets better!

    Now reports are coming in that Ace Combat 6 is an Xbox exclusive! Set for release in Japan it shouldn’t be too long before we’re taking to the skies here in the U.S.

    it should be noted that this series originated on the PlayStation, grew up on PS2 and is now headed out… I wonder why?!

    UPDATE 3-22-07: The screen shots look AMAZING!

  • I think I’m going to Cry.

    As time goes on Sony’s grasp on exclusive titles seems to keep slipping. Announced just yesterday on Kotaku is Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4 is also coming to Xbox 360 and PC. While this is good news for all console owners it remains to be seen how this will affect Sony’s ability to sell their already “hard to sell” console. Also announced rumored today for the Xbox 360 are Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, Ace Combat 6 and Beautiful Katamari. All of these Namco games and all former exclusives. Can I get a “woo-hoo!”?