Category: Xbox 360

  • Turning the Gears

    I finally got my hands on Gears of War last night. My beautiful wife got it for me for Christmas and let me open it early! (Thanx sweetie!). After a few hours I was in chapter 3 when I just had to knock off and go to bed.. with visions of Locust Hoard still dancing…

  • Clan Hunting

    I am looking for a clan to play Far Cry Instincts Predator with. I just want to have fun with some other people who take the game seriously and want to have a good time doing it. If you know of any clans looking for recruits drop me a comment. I have been playing FCI:P…

  • Who will win the console war?

    We won’t know for a while now but it’s fun to watch! Make sure you vote for who you think will come out on top. 🙂