Category: Xbox 360

  • More Games Than I Know What To Do With

    I have a problem. The problem is a good one, however, it is quite debelitating. You see, I have more games than I have time to play them. And there are new games coming out all the time, adding to the problem. How will I ever find the time to play them all?

    Lately it seems, I only have a few hours a week to spend on my 360. Maybe a Friday night, or Sunday evening. I still have to play through Fallout 3 before I can go buy New Vegas. And I was just given a copy of Halo Reach, which I’ve played about an hour of. I beat Portal 2 (twice) and have taken some time to play a few of the Humble FrozenByte Bundle games. But there are still lots to play.

    It’s a good time to be a gamer. There are a lot of great games to play and killer consoles to play it on. Here’s to carving out some time to play them.

  • Portal 2 Rocks

    Follow-up post to the Portal 2 pre-release post is that, well, PORTAL 2 ARRIVED!

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    It’s well worth playing and I can’t recommend it enough. The story is awesome, it’s…. well, it’s Portal! I’ve already played through the story twice and the co-op mode is really fun with a friend.

    Pick it up and play it. Hit me up if you need help or want to play some co-op.

  • Portal 2 Pre-Order Excitement

    In our house, Portal is king. The seemingly un-noticeable add-on to Valve’s Orange Box was dwarfed by the Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress content. But it didn’t take long for folks to take note of this little gem. The puzzles were amazing, the game-play endearing, and the companion cube is unforgeable (or as my son calls it, the “Friendly Cube”). So when Valve announced a stand alone Portal 2, promising to be much bigger there was reason for much rejoicing.

    The next chance to jump into Portal comes April 19 in the U.S. and Amazon is practically going to give you this little beauty. Pre-Order now and Amazon will give you a $20 credit on your account when the game ships, with a release date delivery guarantee. Don’t miss this chance to pick up the next best game coming out.

    Now you’re thinking with Portals.