Category: Xbox LIVE

  • Xbox One vs PS4 – A Few Thoughts

    Just in case you’re living in a cave, the first day of E3 2013 was yesterday. Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft and Sony all talked about upcoming games. But everyone was really looking at Microsoft and Sony to see what the next generation of gaming consoles was going to look like. Microsoft has had an uphill battle…

  • Halo 4

    If you look at the tag cloud the bottom right corner of the site, you’ll see that one of the most talked about games here at is Halo 3. It’s no secret that I’ve been a fan of the Halo games for the past 11 years. It’s been a fun series to play and…

  • Total Miner: Forge – Grab your pickax!

    Over the weekend my son and I discovered a new great game on Xbox Live Indie Games. Total Miner: Forge We (my son and I) are constently on the lookout for great co-op games. We love playing together and we especially love creative games that let you make stuff. Oh, we love smash-em-ups and great…